有些陶瓷专有名词在西方已有较为统一的译法,根据“约定俗成”的原则,我们应沿用,不必另起炉灶,人为地给中西陶瓷文化交流设置障碍。例如,“青瓷/青器”在英语中通常译为celadon,这一译法已被英语世界所接受,《牛津英语词典》(电子版,下同)在celadon下有义项为“(Chinese) pottery or porcelain with a pale greyish green glaze”, 并且指出了语源信息:
1850 J.MARRYAY Coll. Hist. Pott. & Porcelain vi. 111 King-te-tching is also stated to be the site of the manufactory of the old sea-green and crackle porcelain, generally known by the name of Celadon. This term, however, has been since applied to all porcelain of this description, whatever the color may be.
从该词典的义项和语源信息来看,celadon基本涵盖了“青瓷/青器”在中国陶瓷文化中的基本内涵。因此,在翻译陶瓷典籍中“青瓷/青器”时,不必纠结“青”是blue 还是green,应直接译为celadon。如:
a. All its pieces were blue/green porcelain, but it lacked the smooth gloss (tzu jun) of Ju. ( Sayer, 1951 :62)
b. All its pieces were celadon, but it lacked the smooth gloss of Ju.
Sayer将青瓷译为blue/green porcelain(1a), 容易使人产生困惑,这种瓷器到底是蓝色还是绿色?不如译为celadon简单明了(1b)。
英语中通常将“青花”译为blue and white,有人认为此译名没有传达“青花”之“花”意象,殊不知,青花之花是对纹饰的统称而非指鲜花之花。青花瓷的显著特征是纹饰之“蓝”和胎体之“白”,blue and white准确地传达了这一特点,而且兼顾了专名的语言简洁性。目前这一译名已为学界普遍接受。《牛津英语词典》收录了“blue and white”这一词条“a.,having a surface diversified with blue and white; spec. of china. Hence, ellipt. as n.”。从上述释义可看出,blue and white兼有形容词和名词两种词性,在语义和用法上都与“青花”相当吻合。《汉英大辞典(第3版)》也采用了blue and white译名,将“青花瓷”译为blue and white porcelain(吴光华,2010:1310)。因此,在英译陶瓷典籍时,我们应沿用blue and white这一译名。如:
英译:This was used in the decoration of blue and white porcelain of the reign of Hsiian-te, and afterwards up to the reign of Cheng-hua (A. D. 1465-87), when the supply failed. (Bushell, 1910: 67)
英译:What does one value in K'ang Hsi blue-and-white? The beauty of the colour. ( Sayer, 1959 : 12)
(2)中“青花”为形容词用法,描写瓷器的纹饰特点,(3)中“青花”为名词,指称青花瓷器,两位译者都不约而同地译为blue and white。值得注意的是,宋元时期我国南方地区还生产过一种重要陶瓷品种“青白瓷”。与“青花”不同的是,“青白瓷”中的“青白”均指釉色而非纹饰,即所谓“其釉色白中闪青,青中显白,……质感如青白玉”,因此,“青白瓷”之“青白”可译为greenish white(4b),不应译为blue and white(4a)。如:
a. Blue and white cups are not used by those who give tea-tasting parties. (Bushell, 1910 : 124)
b. Greenish white cups are not used by those who give tea-tasting parties.
英译:We hear nothing about multi-colored ware at Jingdezhen during Tang and Song times. When we come to Yuan and Ming it is mostly blue and whites or imitations of celadon from elsewhere. The color is, however, not what we call qing today. Today the vulgar also think that the better vessels are the qing ones such as so-called the first class, the second class, and the third class. In the past the only subdivisions were "superior color", "second e"plor" , and "third color".
根据语境,“头青”、“提青”、“三色青”中的“青”既非青花之青亦非青瓷之青,甚至并非单指某种颜色(如蓝色或绿色),否则就不会有“三色青”之说。实际上,“头青”、“提青”、“三色青”为清代景德镇民间根据“依色辨品”的传统对瓷器品质等级的分类,属地方性行业术语,在陶瓷典籍中出现的次数很少,与整个陶瓷行业术语体系关系不大。因此,我们可采取意译策略,将它们普通词语化,仅译出当前语境中的确切意义(the first class,the second class, and the third class )。
a. For the blue furnace a gentle fire was kept up for two days, a fierce fire for twenty-four hours. (Bushell, 1910:76)
b. For the qing furnace which bakes small pieces a gentle fire was kept up for two days, a fierce fire for twenty-four hours.
a...afterwards because the blue/green kilns were too few and the dragon jar kilns were standing empty they converted sixteen of the dragon jar great kilns in to blue/green kilns... ( Sayer, 1951 : 11 )
b...afterwards because the qing kilns which bake small pieces were too few and the dragon jar kilns were standing empty they converted sixteen of the dragon jar great kilns into qing kilns...
“青窑”是《陶说》、《景德镇陶录》、《匋雅》等典籍中重要术语,指明代烧小器的瓷窑,其中“青”与颜色无关,将其译为the blue furnace(6a)或者the blue/green kiln(7a) 都是误译。采用音译策略,将“青窑”译为qing furnace/kiln,有利于向西方传播中国陶瓷文化的核心概念,从而保证陶瓷术语翻译的系统性,同时为了弥补音译对术语翻译准确性和透明性的损失,我们可以在典籍中首次出现时对其内涵加以阐释(which bakes small pieces )。